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Strategic Action Plan
for Successful Implementation of Projects
Action Plan
BioDucts Ltd has defined a strategic action plan which enables our team to consider the application of our technologies as well as assess the commercial and technical viability of developing bio refineries for various clients. The objectives of our co-operation with potential clients are as follow,
Establishing Cooperation,
Evaluating Component
BioDucts’ first crucial step is to examine the performance of our technology and achieve the optimum process conditions. Our experience wishes to validate their decisions through testing of feedstocks, by employing a highly-equipped team.
Developing Business Case,
Preparing Feasibility Study
Developing a feasibility assessment and business model is the next step to determine the most appropriate and sustainable route for waste management. Our experience considers specific elements to answer key questions in the implementation of bio-refineries covering a financial forecast required by project funders.
Preparing Techno-Economical Assessment,
Delivering Turnkey EPC Solutionn
Our R&D group provides the most-efficient technology-integration process by delivering a techno-economical assessment. BioDucts’ EPC Department will consider site designing, engineering aspects and the cost of refinery. EPC Department will deliver a turnkey development of the facility as well as the most effective and mutually acceptable commercial and operational structure, for the solution based on our techno-economical assessment. Our expertise offers use of refined technologies in advanced chemistry, chemical engineering and bio-technology with intensive ability in technology-integration.
Dealing with funding Authorities,
Applying for licences
Developing a feasibility assessment and business model is the next step to determine the most appropriate and sustainable route for waste management. Our expertise considers specific elements to answer key questions in the implementation of bio-refineries covering a financial forecast required by project funders.
Developing Plant,
Operating and Management
Subject to the satisfactory project development assessment, Bioducts will enter a contractual arrangement to develop a facility (commissioning of the plant). The EPC Department will provide an initial operational phase for a later transfer. Our partner company will provide the operational phase by way of Technical Service Arrangement (TSW), training, maintenance, operation support, spares sourcing and the life cycle management. Our O&M department and its supply chain will support the operation and the management of the facility for a period of 2 to 3 years through a Technical Support Agreement (TSA).
Bio Refinery
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