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Development of Sustainable Solutions 
for Agro-Industrial Waste Treatment

The City Councils and waste management sectors face significant challenges in minimising the volume of agro-industrial waste, industrial, commercial and municipal solid wastes produced as well as recycling larger fractions of waste materials in emerging countries. Nowadays, almost all-residual wastes produced in large industrial and metropolitan areas of emerging countries are landfilled without treatment. Now, one of the most serious environmental perils is the increasing quantity of wastes in these regions. Unfortunately, the local authorities have failed to introduce any sustainable and environmental-friendly remedy to solve this problem. Hence, the governments are committed to introduce more sustainable approaches to municipal, commercial and industrial waste management. Moreover, recent Governmental Waste Management Directives promotes the uptake of more sustainable waste management especially for biodegradable waste. Hence, BioDucts Ltd started considering of more suitable solutions than simple landfilling needs for dealing with residual waste. 


Your Challenges

Our Solutions​

BioDucts' Project Site
Location: Middle East
Type of Plant: WTLA & WTBE Processes
Reducing Technological Uncertainties 
Our Group believes that the successful implementation of BioDucts' WTLA and WTBE Technologies in this region will reduce the risks on new technology commercialisation failure by considering all technological and scientific aspects of WTLA facilities to reduce the technical uncertainties associated with scaling up and the application of bio refineries in the Middle Eastern countries. Our activities in the region will enable the local authorities and individuals to treat their waste and speed up their commitment for environmentally protection and sustainable production of bio-chemicals and energy from waste. 
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